मुख्यमंत्री युवा कौशल कमाई योजना 2023 Apply Online for MP Yuva Kaushal Kamai Yojana @ yuvaportal.mp.gov.in – मध्य प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री (सीएम) शिवराज सिंह चौहान जी ने सीखो कमाओ योजना लांच कर दी है | इस पोस्ट में आप मुख्यमंत्री सीखो कमाओ योजना रजिस्ट्रेशन कैसे करें या सीखो कमाओ योजना फॉर्म कैसे भरे ये सब बताया जायेगा | इस पोस्ट के अंतर्गत हमने MP Yuva Kaushal Kamai Yojana in Hindi में बताया गया है | हालाँकि इस योजना का नाम पहले युवा कौशल कमाई योजना था अब 2023 में इसे सीखो कमाओ योजना कर दिया गया है | MP Mukhyamantri Sikho-kamao Yojana की पूरी जानकारी, जैसे ऑनलाइन रजिस्ट्रेशन/आवेदन, पात्रता, दस्तावेज, अधिकारिक वेबसाइट, हेल्पलाइन नंबर इस पोस्ट में दी जाएगी |

सीखो कमाओ योजना 2023 की कोर्स लिस्ट और
मुख्यमंत्री एमपी युवा कौशल कमाई योजना 2023 क्या है ? (MP Yuva Kaushal Kamai Yojana in Hindi)
मध्य प्रदेश के युवाओं के लिए बीजेपी सरकार ने विधान सभा चुनाव से पहले एक नयी योजना लॉन्च की है जिसका नाम है ‘सीखो-कमाओ’ योजना। कुछ लोग इसे एमपी कौशल कमाई योजना 2023 के नाम से जानते है | इस योजना के तहत प्रदेश के युवाओं को 8 से 10 हजार रूपये प्रतिमाह का स्टाइपेंड मिलेगा |
बता दें की 1 जुलाई 2023 से युवा कौशल कमाई योजना 2023 का रजिस्ट्रेशन ऑफिसियल वेबसाइट yuvaportal.mp.gov.in पर शुरू कर दिया गया है | इस (Seekho Kamao Yojana ) योजना के अंतर्गत सभी 12वीं पास बच्चे, आइटीआई पास बच्चे, ग्रुजेएशन और पीजी उत्तीर्ण बच्चों को काम सिखाने के लिए मध्य प्रदेश सरकार प्रतिमाह स्टाइपेंड दिया जायेगा |
12वीं पास – 8 हजार प्रतिमाह
आईटीआई उत्तीर्ण – 8500 हजार प्रतिमाह
डिप्लोमा उत्तीर्ण – 9000 हजार प्रतिमाह
ग्रेजुएशन या उच्च उत्तीर्ण – 10 हजार प्रतिमाह
अच्छी खबर ये है की अब एमपी युवा कौशल कमाई योजना 2023 से सभी युवा पैसे कमा सकते है | इस ट्रेनिंग के लगभग 1 महीने बाद पैसे मिलना शुरू हो जायेगा | अपना बैंक अकाउंट रजिस्ट्रेशन के दौरान लिंक अवश्य कराएं |
मुख्यमंत्री सीखो कमाओ योजना अभ्यर्थी पंजीयन Start date – | 4 जुलाई 2023 |
मुख्यमंत्री सीखो कमाओ योजना Last Date – | 31 जुलाई 2023 |
मुख्यमंत्री युवा कौशल कमाई योजना 2023/ सीखो कमाओ योजना का ऑनलाइन रजिस्ट्रेशन कैसे करें?
जो भी युवा कौशल कमाई योजना 2023 पर रजिस्ट्रेशन करना चाहते है | उन्हें निचे दिए गए सभी चरणों को पालन करना होगा | मुख्यमंत्री युवा कौशल कमाई योजना 2023 का लाभ लेने के लिए – eKYCआवश्यक है इसके लिए आपको एमपी ऑनलाइन सेंटर पर जाकर ekyc करानी होगी | अपने ईमेल और फोन नंबर को एक्टिव रखना होगा और आपका बैंक खाता, आधार कार्ड से लिंक होना चाहिए |
- eKYC करने के बाद आपको ऑफिसियल वेबसाइट yuvaportal.mp.gov.in अपनी समग्र आईडी पर लॉगिन करें.
- लिंक मोबाइल नंबर पर ओटीपी आएगा जिसे दर्ज कर आगे बढ़ें.
- समग्र आईडी पर समस्त जानकारी जांच लें. उसके बाद ईमेल आईडी दर्ज करें.
- ईमेल आईडी पर प्राप्त ओटीपी को वेरिफाइड करें.
- इसके बाद सम्बिट बटन पर क्लिक करने पर पंजीयन हो जाएगा.
- पंजीकृत मोबाइल पर यूजर आईडी और पासवर्ड प्राप्त होगा.
सीखो कमाओ योजना 2023 की कोर्स लिस्ट (
- 3D Animation and Graphics,
- Accounts Executive,
- Advance Diploma in Tool and Die Making,
- Advance Mechanic (Instruments),
- Advance Welder,
- Advanced Attendant Operator (Process)
- Aeronautical Engineering
- Agricultural Engineering
- Agriculture Engineering
- Agriculture Extension Service Provider
- Agriculture Field Officer
- Aircraft Airframe & Powerplant Technician_V3.0
- Aircraft Avionics Technician_V3.0
- Aircraft Maintenance Engineering
- Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Associate
- Analyst/Chemist-Quality Control: Gas Chromatography (GC)
- Analyst/Chemist-Quality Control: Gas Chromatography (GC), Ultraviolet-visible Spectroscopy (UV)
- Analyst/Chemist-Quality Control: High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
- Analyst/Chemist-Quality Control: High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Ultraviolet-visible Spectroscopy (UV)
- Analyst/Chemist-Quality Control: Ultraviolet-visible Spectroscopy (UV), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR)
- Analyst/Chemist-Quality Control-Ultraviolet-visible Spectroscopy (UV)
- Application Support, Development and Maintenance
- Applied Electronics and Instrumentation
- Apprentice Food and Beverage Service (Stewardship)
- Apprentice Food Production (Cookery)
- Aquaculture Worker
- Architectural Assistant
- Architectural Assistantship
- Architecture and Interior Design
- Artificial Intelligence
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
- Assembling & Curing Operator_Footwear & Sports Good
- Assembly Line Operator
- Assembly Operator RAC
- Assistant – Electrician
- Assistant – Machinist – Iron and Steel
- Assistant Bar Bender & Steel Fixer
- Assistant Beautician
- Assistant Chef V 2.0
- Assistant Construction Fitter
- Assistant Electrician – 3
- Assistant Electronic Mechanic
- Assistant Facade Installer
- Assistant False Ceiling and Drywall Installer
- Assistant Fashion Designer
- Assistant Fitter – Levelling, Alignment & Balancing
- Assistant Front Office Manager
- Assistant Lab Technician-Food and Agricultural Commodities
- Assistant- Maintenance (Pharma, Biologics and Medical Device Facility): Mechanical and Fitting
- Assistant- Maintenance (Pharma, Biologics and Medical Device Facility): Utility
- Assistant Manufacturing and Packaging (Pharma, Biologics, and Medical device)
- Assistant Mason
- Assistant Operator – Material Handling and Storage V1
- Assistant Operator – Printing and Packaging V1
- Assistant Operator_Tyre Retreading – Building & Curing
- Assistant Plumber- General
- Assistant Rigger – Heavy Material
- Assistant Rural Mason
- Assistant Scaffolder-Conventional
- Assistant Scaffolder-System
- Assistant- Secondary & Tertiary Packaging (Pharma, Biologics and Medical device)
- Assistant Technician – Prestress
- Assistant: Electricity Meter Reader, Billing and Cash Collector (PSS/Q2403)
- Associate – Customer Care (Non-Voice)_V2
- Associate Customer Care-Voice & Non-Voice_V3
- Associate Financial Analyst
- Associate IT Analyst
- Associate Legal Assistant
- Associate Office/Forensic Assistant
- Associate- Store (Pharma/ Bio Pharma / Medical Devices)
- Associate- Store (Pharma/ Bio Pharma / Medical Devices): Retail Pharmacy operations
- Associate-Clinical Research Management (Pharma, Biologics and Medical devices): Data management
- Associate-Clinical Research Management (Pharma, Biologics and Medical devices): Site management
- Associate-Clinical Research Management (Pharma, Biologics and Medical devices): Study Monitoring
- Attendant Operator (Chemical Plant)
- Attendant Operator (Dairy)
- Autoconer Tenter | V 3.0
- Automation and Robotics
- Automobile Engineering
- Automotive Accessory Fitter
- Automotive Assembly Operator
- Automotive Assembly Technician v2.0
- Automotive Body Painting Technician
- Automotive CNC Machining Technician
- Automotive Electrician v2.0
- Automotive Engine Repair Technician
- Automotive Machining Operator
- Automotive Maintenance Technician- Mechanical
- Automotive Maintenance Technician-Electrical
- Automotive Mechatronics
- Automotive Packing Assistant
- Automotive Plastic Moulding Technician
- Automotive Prototype Manufacturing Lead Technician
- Automotive Quality Control Assistant
- Automotive Sales Assistant
- Automotive Showroom Host
- Automotive Telecaller
- Automotive Tool Room Technician
- Automotive Washer
- Automotive Welding Machine Assistant
- Automotive Welding Machine Operator (Manual and Robotics)
- Automotive Welding Machine Technician
- Back Office Assistant – Water and Plumbing Sector pwd
- Baker and Confectioner
- Baking Technician/Operative
- Bartender V 2.0
- Basic Ear Screening & Counselling Coordinator
- Battery Repairer
- Battery system Assembly Operator
- BBA in Retail Operations
- Beautician
- Beautician Assistant
- Billing Executive v2.0
- Bioinformatics Associate/Analyst
- Biomedical and Robotic Engineering
- Bio-Medical Engineering
- Biotechnology
- Blow Moulding Machine Operator
- Blowroom Operator | V 3.0
- Boiler Attendant
- Book Binder
- Bottom Polisher_Version 3.0
- BPM Foundation with F&A-P2P Program
- Brew Master
- Brick Layer (Refractory)
- Building Maintenance Technician
- Business Correspondent/Facilitator v4.0
- Business Law Assistant
- Cabin/Room Attendant
- Cable Jointer
- Cable Television Operator
- Cabling Technician
- CAD/CAM Designer_Plastic Product
- CAD-CAM Operator cum Programmer
- Cargo Booking Clerk
- Carpenter
- CCTV Installation Technician
- Cement Technology
- Central Sterile Service Department- Assistant
- Ceramic Caster
- Ceramic Decorator
- Ceramic Kiln Operator
- Ceramic Moulder
- Ceramic Press Operator
- Chargehand Shuttering Carpenter
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemical Laboratory Assistant
- Chemist – Production (Pharma, Cosmetics & Biologics): Non-Sterile Product Manufacturing
- Chemist – Production (Pharma, Cosmetics & Biologics): API Manufacturing
- Chemist – Production (Pharma, Cosmetics & Biologics): AYUSH Drug Manufacturing
- Chemist – Production (Pharma, Cosmetics & Biologics): Sanitary and Personal Hygiene Product Manufacturing
- Chemist – Production (Pharma, Cosmetics & Biologics): Sterile Product Manufacturing
- Civil and Rural Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- CNC Programmer cum Operator
- Coir Fibre Artisan
- Commercial Vehicle Driver
- Commis Chef V 2.0
- Computer Aided Pattern Maker
- Computer and Peripherals Hardware Repair and Maintenance Mechanic
- Computer Hardware and Maintenance
- Computer Networking Technician
- Computer Operator and Programming Assistant
- Computer Science and Business System
- Computer Science and Design
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Computer Science and Engineering (Block Chain)
- Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security)
- Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science)
- Computer Science and Engineering (Internet Of Things And Cyber Security Including Block Chain Technology)
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Computer Science and Information Technology
- Computer Science and Technology
- Computerized Embroidery Machine Operator and Digitizer
- Cone Winding Operator – Manual & Assembly Winding | V 3.0
- Construction Automation
- Construction Electrician – LV
- Construction Fitter
- Construction Laboratory & Field Technician-4
- Construction Machinery Mechanic-cum-Operator
- Consumer Energy Meter Technician
- Convergence & Broadcasting Executive (CBE)
- Convergence & Broadcasting Professional (CBP)
- Counstruction Technology and Management
- Counter Sales Executive-Tourism and Hospitality v3.0
- Courier Delivery Management Executive
- Courier Delivery Executive
- COVID Frontline Worker (Advanced Care Support)
- Crane Operator Overhead (Steel Industry)
- Creche Management Assistant
- Credit Processing Officerv4.0
- Creel Boy-cum-Warper
- Criminal Law Associate
- Customer Care Executive Domestic Non-Voice_V3
- Customer Care Executive-Domestic- Voice_V3
- Cutting and Sewing Machine Operator
- Cyber Law Assistant
- Cyber Security
- Dairy Processing EquipmentOperator
- Data Analysis & Reporting
- Data Associate_V2
- Data Feeder ( All Logistics sub sector )
- Data Science
- Debt Recovery Agent V4.0
- Dental Laboratory Technician
- Designer and Master Cutter
- Designer_Die and Mould for Plastic
- Designer_Plastic Product
- Designer_Plastic Product including toys
- Desk Top Publishing Operator
- Digital Cable Technician- Access
- Digital Marketing Executive
- Digital Photographer
- Distributor Salesman 2.0 version
- Documentation & Claims Management Executive
- Doffer-cum-Piecer
- Domestic BioMetric Data Operator_V3
- Domestic Data Entry Operator_V2
- Domestic IT Helpdesk Attendant_V2
- Doors & Windows Fixer
- Draughtsman (Civil)
- Draughtsman (Mechanical)
- Draughtsperson-Civil works
- Draw Frame Operator | V 3.0
- Dress Maker
- Dresser (Medical)
- Driver-cum-Auto Mechanic (Light Motor Vehicle)
- DTH Set Top Box Installation & Service Technician
- Effluent Treatment Plant Operator – Life Sciences (Pharma, Bio-Pharma & Research)
- EHS Steward
- Elderly Caretaker (Non-Clinical) V2.0
- Electric Vehicle Service Lead Technician
- Electric Vehicles
- Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering (Internet of Things)
- Electrical Winder
- Electrician
- Electrician – Domestic Solutions
- Electrician (Mines)
- Electrician (Steel Plant)
- Electrician Aircraft
- Electronic Mechanic
- Electronics and Communication Engineering
- Electronics and Computer Engineering
- Electronics and Instrumentation
- Electronics and Telecommunication
- Electronics and Telecommunications
- Electronics Engineering
- Electronics Machine Maintenance Executive
- Electronics Mechanic (Steel Plant)
- Electroplater
- Embedded Product Designer – Technical Lead
- Embroiderer (Surface Ornamentation Techniques)
- Emergency Care Assistant
- EMS Technician
- Enamel Glazer
- Engineer Technical Support-Level 1_V3
- Engineer-Cleanroom
- Engraver
- Environmental Law Associate
- Executive – Telesales (Pharma, Biologics, Medical Device and other health services)
- Executive (Law)
- Executive Procument
- Extrusion Machine Operator (Plastic)
- Fabricator
- Façade Installer
- Facility Cleaning Professional
- Facility Management Executive V 2.0
- False Ceiling & Dry Wall Installer
- False Ceiling and Drywall Installer
- Fashion Designing Assistant
- Fashion Technology
- Fiber Reinforced Plastic Processor
- Field Executive (Custom Clearance)
- Field Sales Executive V4.0
- Field Survey Enumerator
- Field Technician AC V 2.0
- Field Technician Computing & Peripherals V 2.0
- Filer and Assembler_Version 3.0
- Finished Leather Maker
- Finisher and Packer AMH_Q2255 V 2.0
- Finishing Operator ( Medical Textiles – Surgical Bandages )
- Fire Tech and Safety
- Fish and Seafood Processing Technician
- Fitness Trainer
- Fitter
- Fitter – Fabrication
- Fitter – Mechanical Assembly
- Fitter – Mechanical Assembly pwd
- Fitter (Steel Plant)
- Fitter structural
- Florist and Landscaper
- Food & Beverage Service Assistant V 2.0
- Food Delivery Associate v 2.0
- Food Microbiologist
- Food Production (General)
- Food Production (Vegetarian)
- Food Sales Promoter
- Food Technology
- Footwear Maker
- Foreman Fabrication
- Foreman-Electrical Works
- Forger and Heat Treater
- Forklift Operator/Driver
- Foundryman
- Four Wheeler Service Assistant
- Four Wheeler Service Technician
- Fruit and Vegetable Processor
- Furnace Operator (Steel Industry)
- Furniture and Cabinet Maker
- Gardener (Mali)
- Gardener Version 2
- Gas Cutter
- General Assistant- Furniture and Fittings Installation
- General Duty Assistant- Advanced
- General Duty Assistant V2.0
- General Housekeeper (Household and Small Establishment) V2.0
- Geriatric Care Assistant V2.0
- Glass Former and Processor
- Goods Packaging Machine Operator
- Goods Packaging Machine Operator PwD pwd
- Grinder – Hand and Hand Held Power Tools
- Grinder-Construction
- Guest House Caretaker V 2.0
- Guest Service Associate (Front Office) v 3.0
- Guest Service Associate (Housekeeping) v 2.0
- Hair and Skin Care
- Hair Cutter/Dresser
- Hand Soldering Technician – Telecom Boards
- Health and Slimming Assistant
- Health Sanitary Inspector
- Helper – Construction Laboratory and Field Technician
- Helper – Utility Hand Plant Operations
- Helper Bar Bender and Steel Fixer
- Helper Construction Painter
- Helper Electrician
- Helper Fabrication
- Helper Mason
- Helper Shuttering Carpenter
- Home Health Aide V2.0
- Horticulture Assistant
- Hospital Front Desk Coordinator
- Hospital Waste Management Assistant
- Hotel Management and Catering Technology
- House Keeper – Mechanised Equipments
- House Keeper (Corporate)
- House keeper (Domestic)
- House Keeper (Hospital)
- House Keeper (Hotel)
- House keeper (Institution)
- Housekeeping Trainee v 2.0
- HR Executive (Payroll and Employee Data Management)
- Hub-Branch Operation Executive
- Human Resource Training
- Human Rights Law Associate
- Incoming QC Technician
- Industrial and Production Engineering
- Industrial Automation Specialist
- Industrial Automation Technician
- Industrial Electrician
- Industrial Electrician (Oil & Gas)
- Industrial Electronics
- Industrial Engineering and Management
- Industrial Welder (Oil & Gas)
- Information and Communication Technology System Maintenance
- Information Technology
- Information Technology (Artificial Intelligence And Robotics)
- Information Technology (Internet Of Things)
- Injection Moulding Machine Operator
- In-Store Demonstrator
- In-Store Promoter V4.0
- Instrument Controller
- Instrument Mechanic
- Instrument Mechanic (Chemical Plant)
- Instrument Mechanic (Steel Plant)
- Instrumentation Technician (Control Valve)
- Insulator Maker/Machine Operator (Ceramic)
- Insurance Agent
- Insurance Agent V4.0
- Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Associate
- Interior Designer and Decorator
- International Freight Forwarding Executive
- Internet of Things
- IT Support Executive
- Jam,Jelly and Ketchup Processing Technician
- Jewel Smith
- Jigs and Fixtures Maker
- Jr. Digital Film Restoration Artist
- Jr. Machine _Operator – CNC Milling of Plastic
- Junior Litigation Advisor
- Junior Rubber_Technician/Technical Assistant
- Junior Software Developer_V3
- Junior Store Keeper -Construction
- Khalasi (Assistant Rigger)
- kitchen Helper
- Kitchen Steward V 2.0
- Knitter (Hosiery)
- Knitting Machine Operator Warp Knitting | V 3.0
- Lab Technician-Research and Quality Control: Scale-up or Kilo Lab
- Lab Technician-Research and Quality Control: Wet Lab
- Laboratory Assistant (Chemical Plant)
- Labour Law Associate
- Lacquering and Powder Coating Operator
- Laser Sawing Machine Operator_Version 4.0
- Latex Harvest Technician_Tapper
- Laundry Associate V2.0
- Leather Goods Maker
- LED Light Repair Technician- LD pwd
- Library Assistant
- Line Assembler-Telecom Products V4.0
- Lineman
- Lino Operator
- Loom Weaver and Twisting Operator (LWTO)
- Machine Operator_Plastic Blow Moulding
- Machine Operator_Plastic Injection Moulding
- Machine Operator_Plastic Sacks
- Machine Operator_Plastics Extrusion
- Machine Operator_Plastics Processing
- Machine Operator_Plastics Recycling
- Machinist
- Machinist (Grinder)
- Maintenance Mechanic
- Maintenance Mechanic (Chemical Plant)
- Maintenance Mechanic for Leather Machinery
- Manufacturing Engineering
- Marine Engine Fitter
- Marketing Associate Training
- Mason (Building Constructor)
- Mate (Mines)
- Material Handling Equipment Mechanic-cum- Operator
- Material Handling Equipment Mechanic-cum-Operator
- Mathematics and Computing
- Mavericks BA and QA Training
- Mechanic – Belt Conveyor
- Mechanic (Agriculture Machinery)
- Mechanic (Central Air conditioning Plant, Industrial cooling and Package Air conditioning)
- Mechanic (Cold storage, Ice plant and Ice candy plant)
- Mechanic (Dairy Maintenance)
- Mechanic (Denting, Painting and Welding)
- Mechanic (Domestic, Commercial Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Machines)
- Mechanic (DTH and other Communication System)
- Mechanic (Electrical Domestic Appliances)
- Mechanic (Electrical Maintenance of Process Plant)
- Mechanic (Electrical Power Drives)
- Mechanic (Embedded Systems and PLC)
- Mechanic (HT, LT Equipments and Cable Jointing)
- Mechanic (Lift and Escalator)
- Mechanic (Marine Diesel)
- Mechanic (Motor Vehicle)
- Mechanic (Non-conventional Power Generation, Battery and Inverter)
- Mechanic Advanced Machine Tool Maintenance
- Mechanic Auto Electrical and Electronics
- Mechanic Auto Electronics
- Mechanic Automobile (Advanced Diesel Engine)
- Mechanic Automobile (Advanced Petrol Engine)
- Mechanic Automobile Electronics
- Mechanic Communication Equipment Maintenance
- Mechanic Consumer Electronics Appliances
- Mechanic Diesel
- Mechanic Electrical Instruments
- Mechanic Electrical Maintenance (Industrial Automation)
- Mechanic Industrial Electronics
- Mechanic Instrument Aircraft
- Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
- Mechanic Maintenance (Textile Machinery)
- Mechanic Mechanical Maintenance (Industrial Automation)
- Mechanic Mechatronics
- Mechanic Medical Electronics
- Mechanic Medical Equipment for Hospitals and Occupational Health Centre
- Mechanic Mining Machinery
- Mechanic Motor Cycle
- Mechanic Power Electronics (Inverters, UPS and Maintenance of Drives)
- Mechanic Radio and Radar Aircraft
- Mechanic Radio and T.V.
- Mechanic Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
- Mechanic Repair and Maintenance of Electronics Test Equipment
- Mechanic Repair and Maintenance of Vehicle
- Mechanic Sewing Machine
- Mechanic Television (Video)
- Mechanic Tractor
- Mechanic Watch and Clock
- Mechanical and Automation Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechanic-cum-Operator Electronics Communication System
- Mechatronics
- Mechatronics Engineering
- Media and Entertainment Law Associate
- Media Coordinator
- Medical Laboratory Technician (Cardiology)
- Medical Laboratory Technician (Pathology)
- Medical Laboratory Technician (Physiotherapy)
- Medical Records Assistant
- Medical Sales Representative (Pharma, Bio-pharma, Medical Device, AYUSH)
- Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Grower
- Metal Setter (Basic)
- MHE Maintenance Executive
- Microbiologist-Quality Control
- Microfinance Executive V7.0
- Mine Surveying
- Mining and Mine Surveying
- Mining and Mineral Processing
- Mining Engineering
- Mobile Technology Apprentice (MTA)
- Mono Castor Operator
- Mono Keyboard Operator
- Motor Vehicle Body Builder
- Moulder (Refractory)
- Multimedia and Web Page Designer
- Multi-Purpose Associate v 1.0
- Mutual Fund Distributor v4.0
- Narrow Fabric Weaving Operator (Medical Textiles – Surgical Bandages)
- Nursury Worker
- Office Assistant
- Office Operations Executive(Back Office)
- Old Age Care Taker
- Operator – Conventional Surface Grinding Machines
- Operator (Steel Plant)
- Operator Advanced Machine Tool
- Operator Blast Furnace Iron Making Equipments
- Operator Coal Handling Equipment
- Operator Coke Ovens Battery Equipments
- Operator Cum Mechanic Pollution Control Equipment
- Operator Locomotive and Rail Cranes in Steel Plant
- Operator Material Handling Equipments at Raw Material Handling Plant
- Operator PLC System
- Operator Rolling Mills Equipment (Long Products)
- Operator Sinter Plant Equipments
- Operator Steel Melting Equipments
- Operator_Plastic 3D Printing
- Operator-cum-Mechanic Power Plant
- Opthalamic Technology
- Optical Fiber Technician V4.0
- Optical Worker
- Opto Electronics Engineering
- Outside Plant Fiber Installation, Testing and Commissioning Supervisor
- Packer
- Packhouse Worker
- Packing Machine Worker- Food processing
- Painter (General)
- Painter (Marine)
- Patient Relations Associate
- Pattern Maker
- Pavement Layer (Helper)
- Pesticide & Fertilizer Applicator
- Petro Chemical Engineering
- Petrochemical Technology
- Petroleum Refinery Technician
- Phlebotomist
- Photographer
- Pick and Place Assembly Operator Version 2.0
- Pipe Fitter
- Pipe Fitter – City Gas Distribution
- Pipeline Maintenance Technician (Mechanical)
- Planner_Version 2.0
- Plastic Mould Maker
- Plastic Processing Operator
- Plastic Technology
- Plate Maker (Lithographic)
- PLC Operator
- Plumber
- Plumber -General
- Plumbing -Supervisor
- Polisher and Cleaner _G&J/Q0701_Version 3.0
- Poultry Farm Supervisor
- Poultry Farm Worker
- Poultry Feed, Food Safety and Labelling Supervisor
- Power Electrician
- Pre or Preparatory School Management (Assistant)
- Precious Metal Jewellery Maker
- Printing Technology
- Printing Textile
- Process Cameraman
- Process Instrument Operator (Oil Gas)
- Process Plant Operator
- Processing Technician RSS_Rubber
- Procurement of Raw Jute and Grading
- Production Engineer
- Production Engineering
- Production Machine Operator- Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API)/ Bulk Drug: Non Sterile Manufacturing, Non Sterile Packaging
- Production Machine Operator- Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API)/ Bulk Drug: Sterile Manufacturing and Packaging
- Production Machine Operator- Sterile Formulation
- Production Machine Operator-Non-Sterile Formulation: Coating, Packaging- Tablets and Capsules
- Production Machine Operator-Non-Sterile Formulation: Compression, Coating
- Production Machine Operator-Non-Sterile Formulation: Compression, Packaging- Tablets and Capsules
- Production Machine Operator-Non-Sterile Formulation: Granulation, Compression
- Production Machine Operator-Non-Sterile Formulation: Granulation, Packaging- Tablets and Capsules
- Production Machine Operator-Non-Sterile Formulation: Hard Gelatin Capsule Filling, Packaging- Tablets and Capsules
- Production Machine Operator-Non-Sterile Formulation: Hard Gelatin Capsules Manufacturing
- Production Machine Operator-Non-Sterile Formulation: Liquid Oral Dosage Manufacturing, Packaging- Oral Liquid and Nutraceuticals
- Production Machine Operator-Non-Sterile Formulation: Soft Gelatin Capsules, Packaging- Tablets and Capsules
- Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Programmer and Troubleshooter
- Programming and Systems Administration Assistant
- Pruner Tea Gardens
- Pump Operator Cum Mechanic
- Quality Analyst Trainee
- Quality Assurance Assistant
- Quality Engineer
- Receptionist
- Receptionist/Hotel Clerk/Front Office Assistant
- Recruitment Executive -HR
- Refinary and Petro Chemical (Petroleum Technology)
- Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
- Reinforcement Fitter
- Research Assistant cum Engineer-Bioprocess
- Retail Sales Associate Version 2.0
- Retail Sales Specialist Cum Cashier (Multiplex Cinema)
- Retail Store Ops Assistant Version 2.0
- Retail Team Leader Version 2.0
- Retail Trainee Associate – PwD-LD pwd
- Retail Trainee Associate Version 2.0
- Retoucher Lithographic
- Rigger
- Rigger – Precast Erection
- Rigger – Structural Erection
- Ring frame doffer and tenter | V 2.0
- Ring frame doffer and tenter V 2.0
- Ring Frame Operator
- Robotics and Mechatronics
- RSST_Grader
- Rubber Product Finishing Operator V1
- Rubber_Compression Moulding Operator
- Rubber_Extruder Operator
- Rubber_Injection Moulding Operator
- Rubber_Lab Chemist
- Rubber_Mill Operator
- Rubber_Mixing Supervisor
- Rubber_Moulding /Curing Supervisor
- Rubber_Product Quality Assurance Supervisor
- Rural Mason
- Rural Mason-Helper
- Safety and Fire Engineering
- Sales Person (Retail)
- Sanitary Hardware Fitter
- Sanitaryware Manufacturing Assistant
- Screen Printing
- Secretarial Assistant
- Secretary
- Security Guard
- Seed Processing Worker
- Seller Activation Executive Version 2.0
- Service Engineer IT Hardware
- Service Fulfilment Executive
- Service Technician for Domestic Water Treatment System
- Sewing Machine Operator
- Sheet Metal Worker
- Sheet Metal Worker – Hand Tools and Manually Operated Machines
- Shipwright (Steel)
- Shipwright (Wood)
- Shirts and Trousers Maker
- Shotfirer/Blaster (Mines)
- Shuttering Carpenter
- Shuttleless Loom Operator – Airjet Loom
- Sirdar (Colliery)
- Smartphone Assembly Technician
- Software Developer Level 1
- Software Developer_V3
- Software Development Executive
- Solar Lighting Assembler
- Solar Panel Installation Technician
- Solar PV Business Development Executive
- Solar PV Manufacturing Operator
- Solar PV Project Helper
- Solar Technician (Electrical)
- Sorter (Glass Bottle)
- Speed Frame Operator – Tenter and Doffer | V 3.0
- Spice Processing Technician
- Spinning Technician
- Sports Goods Maker (Leather)
- Sports Goods Maker (Wood)
- Squash and Juice ProcessingTechnician
- Sr. Associate Analytics_V2
- Sr. Associate Transactional F&A_V2
- Steam Turbine-cum-Auxiliary Plant Operator
- Steel Melting Hand
- Stenographer (English)
- Stenographer (Hindi)
- Steward
- Stockman (Dairy)
- Storage and Inventory Executive
- Store Assistant – Tourism and Hospitality v2.0
- Store Assistant -Construction
- Store Keeper-Plumbing Projects
- Structural Steel NDT Tester
- Structural Welder
- Supervisor – Site EHS
- Supervisor- Maintenance (Pharma, Biologics and Medical Device Facility) : Electricity
- Supervisor- Maintenance (Pharma, Biologics and Medical Device Facility): Gases, Steam
- Supervisor- Maintenance (Pharma, Biologics and Medical Device Facility): HVAC
- Supervisor- Maintenance (Pharma, Biologics and Medical Device Facility): Water System
- Surveyor
- Surveyor-6
- Tailor (General)
- Tailor (Men)
- Tailor (Women)
- Taxation Law Associate
- Taxi Driver
- Tea Factory Assistant
- Tea Maker (Production)
- Tea Plantation Worker
- Technical Services Engineer
- Technician (Automotive Manufacturing)
- Technician Fabricator
- Technician Television and Audio System
- Technician-Coir Grow Media
- Telecom Customer Care Executive – Call Center/Relationship Center V4.0
- Telecom In-store promoter-PwD-LD pwd
- Telecom Security Apprentice(TSA)
- Telecom Surface Mount Technology (SMT) Technician V4.0
- Telehealth Services Coordinator
- Telemedicine Coordinator
- Tenter (Drawing Speed/Fly Frames)
- Textile Design
- Textile Dyeing Machine Operator – Jigger
- Textile Technology
- Textile Wet Processing Technician
- TFO Tenter | V 3.0
- TIG/MIG Welder
- Tool and Die Maker (Dies and Moulds)
- Tool and Die Maker (Press Tools, Jigs and Fixtures)
- Tour Guide v 1.0
- Tourist Guide
- Tower Technician V4.0
- Tractor Service Mechanic
- Traditional Snack and Savoury Maker
- Trainee Pediatric Nurse
- Trainee Staff Nurse
- Transmission Technology Apprentice(TTA)
- Transmission Technology Senior Apprentice(TTSA)
- Travel Advisor V 3.0
- Travel and Tourism
- Turner
- TV Repair Technician
- Two Wheeler Service Assistant
- Two Wheeler Service Technician
- Two-Wheeler Preventive Maintenance & Repair
- Tyre Repairer
- Tyre_Building Operator (Radial Light Truck)
- Upholsterer
- Utility Operator
- VIllage Level Milk Collection Centre Incharge
- WAREHOUSE EXECUTIVE (Receipts & Dispatch)
- Warehouse Picker-3.0
- Waste Water Treatment Plant- Technician
- Weaver
- Weaving Technician
- Web Developer_V2
- Welder – (GTAW)
- Welder (Gas and Electric)
- Welder (Pipe and Pressure Vessels)
- Welding Operator
- Wind Power Plant Technician (Electrical)
- Winder (Textile)
- Wireman
- Wireman Control Panel Electronics
- Wiring Harness Assembly Operator
- Wood Handicrafts Worker
सीखो– कमाओ योजना कोर्स सर्च लिंक – https://mmsky.mp.gov.in/web/marketplacesearchcourses/index
मुख्यमंत्री सीखो– कमाओ योजना 2023 का पंजीयन की डायरेक्ट लिंक नीचे दी गयी है |
डायरेक्ट लिंक
अभ्यर्थी पंजीयन – https://mmsky.mp.gov.in/Web/Candidate/Registration
प्रतिष्ठान पंजीयन – https://mmsky.mp.gov.in/WEB/Establishment/Registration
सीखो– कमाओ योजना की रिक्तियां देखें वेकन्सी सर्च लिंक – https://mmsky.mp.gov.in/Web/MarketplaceCandidate/Index